
There is no doubt that the travel by plane, accompanied by a huge child needs to prepare, it must be careful so that the child troublesome for passengers and exhausting for his parents do not have, in the following lines identify the means that facilitate taking a child to ride a plane.Will look like any trip by plane, even if the short is too long in the case of children under the screaming and crying all the time, it will start the passengers in the plane, given to you resentful of noise, which will make you feel embarrassed and fatigue. It is expected that any child feels uncomfortable, and be worried if he was asked to sit quietly in the plane for a long period of time, but you must not allow your mother the exit of things with your child is out of control. Because of the above, you'll need you to be armed with all the means that will enable you to reassure your child occupied during the flight and make it sits idle in his seat. The challenge is to travel by plane with children in the same trip. Travel by plane and will represent considerable pressure on the child, especially if it is afraid of the plane ride, and at the same time, the child may feel a great enthusiasm for the plane ride because he would travel to the place he loves. Basically, the mother must try to calm the jittery nerves of the child because of the plane ride through some of the ideas, tips and practical strategies.

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Kony is eager to talk with your child about any experience may seem alarming or frightening to him, especially if that is the experience riding a plane for the first time, and the mother can not do this to be calm and explain to the child what is happening in the plane. The mother can explain to the child that it binds to do as they do seat belt when the car ride, and can also explain to him what happens when you take off and land. Tell your child that he will feel some disorders because of the flight, but we must not worry him this. You should talk with your child before the start of the trip, and after even be aware of what is kissed it, and Holh.eshrhy for your child How will sit in the plane, and how will sleep and what to eat is happening, and you can also can see with your child before traveling cartoon film, which deals with air travel .Take your plane bag filled with toys the child and some coloring books and a book or story of the beloved to him, and can also to that bag that contains your MP3 recording the music tracks quiet and some songs from favorite baby and headphones Hidvon child for use during the trip. It must also be with you a range of healthy snacks and delicious with the child to avoid giving a lot of sweets during the trip so as not to be an active exaggerated manner. If your child is infected before traveling a cold or infection in the ear Va_i_ary doctor about giving him a dwelling place of pain or if the child feel very sick, it is best to postpone travel until evaluating your child's ear is not affected when the flightAvoid totally the use of pain-killing drugs or sedative that are likely to come Reverse be negative impact on your child. As an alternative to natural good, my feet for your child chamomile tea in a cup with a lid which will help the child to be quiet nerves. A national prepares separate bags of diapers containing each one of them on one wet diaper and wipes (and Ibis) so as not to carry the whole Tdatri your travel bag when you go to the bathroom, which would be a burden on you and make you feel upset. The moment you are where on the plane, put your son in his place directly, Fasten his belt, forearms to choose a film to view it to be a movie Cartoon is loved, put headphones ear and Strip off his shoes «Do not forget to be wearing a syrup», give him a game to sport them. Involve your children in the preparation and planning for the trip, Arafehm what will happen since their arrival to the airport, and Speak to them about behavior that Tantzeranh them then. 

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