In the summer vacation and travel season and holidays, we invite you
to ignore all the recreational areas and tourist cities, famous for its
landmarks of others worthy of a visit tourist, forget all cities and
water games and places crowded with visitors.
It did not spend thousands of dollars and traveled thousands of miles to see the landmarks of man-made, and to stand in a long line to see the teacher, or to experience the new game, stay away from all this and head toward the true nature of the picturesque, nature that have not done it or touches a man, he went to the most beautiful parts of the earth.
Before you book a plane ticket to places filled with expensive restaurants, swimming pools filled with chlorine, view on the ground, yes .. the earth and the natural and scenic places, here the most important destinations that will take you to another world.
It did not spend thousands of dollars and traveled thousands of miles to see the landmarks of man-made, and to stand in a long line to see the teacher, or to experience the new game, stay away from all this and head toward the true nature of the picturesque, nature that have not done it or touches a man, he went to the most beautiful parts of the earth.
Before you book a plane ticket to places filled with expensive restaurants, swimming pools filled with chlorine, view on the ground, yes .. the earth and the natural and scenic places, here the most important destinations that will take you to another world.
Chapada Diamantina National, Brazil Park
Simon della Pala, Dolomites, Italy
Fairy pools, Daryoush, Scotland
Havasupai Falls, Grand Canyon National Park
Feng was Khao, Thailand
Kaiba Beach, Kauai, Hawaii
sand dunes, Namibia
Al-Manara area, New Zealand
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Trultunga, Oda, Norway
Villagio SA, Alicante, Spain