
Armenia (Armenian: Հայաստան), her official name is the Republic of Armenia (Armenian: Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն Hayastani Hanrabitotyon). It is a landlocked mountainous country located in the Caucasus of Eurasia, where are located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north and the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and the fact Azerbaijan in the Middle it, either from the south Vthdha Iran and Nakhichevan enclave of Azerbaijan.

رحلة سياحية أرمينيا

رحلة سياحية أرمينيا

 Armenia former Republic of the Soviet Union, and is currently governed by a multi-party democracy and a cultural heritage of Thumper in history, a nation-state. Kingdom of Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity we have in the early years of the fourth century (the traditional date 301 m). Modern Republic of Armenia recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Church and the national church of Armenia, despite the fact that the Republic of separating church and state

رحلة سياحية أرمينيا

 Armenia in more than 40 international member organizations, including the United Nations and the Council of Europe and the Asian Development Bank and the Commonwealth of Independent States and the World Trade Organization and the World Customs Organization and the Organization for Economic Co-operation of the Black Sea and Francophonie

 رحلة سياحية أرمينيا

 It is also in the military alliance of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member also participates in NATO's Partnership for Peace program. It joined forces in 2004 to the international NATO-led force in Kosovo. It is also an observer member of the Eurasian Economic Community and the Non-Aligned Movement. The country's emerging democracies.

رحلة سياحية أرمينيا