
Famous for the three great gardens in Japan, also known as the "months three gardens in Japan." Three Great Gardens of Japan are the three best traditional Japanese gardens on a large scale in Japan. Three Great Gardens of Japan are Kairakuen in Mito, Kinnerokioan in Kanazawa and Korakuen in Okayama.
Kenroku gardenKenroku means "garden, which combines six characteristics" - contain Garden on six important aspects of the idea of ​​a perfect garden: spaciousness, tranquility and dignity, scenic, and careful design.
Kairakuen GardenKorakuen Garden is one of the big three formal gardens in Japan. Korakuen Garden Okayama located next to the castle. Kairakuen are among the most famous gardens plum trees that bloom in early spring. Kairakuen with more than 100 different varieties of plum trees in Kairakuen. It is the place featured the presence of a lot of peach trees in one place.Korakuen is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, which are located side-by-side with Kinnerokioan (Kanazawa) and Kairakuen (Mito). Korakuen built by order of Ikeda, the fourth Lord of Okayama Castle in 1700. Korakuen designed in the Chisan Kaiyu around a large pool of the landscape of the Japanese garden, which offers to its visitors a new view at every turn of the track. The road linking the vast meadows, ponds, and hills.
Korakuen Garden opened to the public in 1884 and was in very good condition until the blast, which occurred during World War II. After the war, it was restored and is now back to the form beautiful as it was before.
Kinnerokioan gardenKinnerokioan is considered one of the Garden "three most beautiful gardens in Japan," which are packaged in a variety of trees, ponds, waterfalls and flowers stretching over 25 acres (100,000 square meters)Kinnerokioan is one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan, and probably the best one ever. It founded for the first time in the 17th century by the feudal lords of the Caja. Kinnerokioan has many of the hallmarks of a garden such as spaciousness, isolation, resourceful. In fact, it is hard to find these qualities combine garden. However, the Kinnerokioan garden offers them all! Visitors enjoy the Korakuen Garden entertainment throughout the year, even in winter with trees supported by an umbrella-like ropes to protect the branches from a broken and covered with dense snow.

حديقة كوراكوين

The Three Great Gardens of Japan

صورة جسر Gankou-bashi

شجرة الصنوبر السوداء

صورة من حديقة كينروكيوين

Three Great Gardens of Japan

صورة سمات الحديقة المثالية
